zaterdag 16 juli 2011

How to housetrain your dog using the Wizdog indoor potty system

So you're thinking about buying an indoor dog potty.Make no mistake, an indoor potty isn't some magical device that will instantly housebreak your adult dog or puppy. It will however make the job (yes, it's a job) a lot easier and less frustrating; your dog's paws remain clean (as will your floors, furniture and clothes) and it's really easy to clean.

First thing you have to consider is where to place the Wizdog indoor potty system in your home. It should be as far away as possible from your dog's eating and sleeping area, preferably against a wall. If your dog is restricted to a certain part of your home, the potty should obviously be placed in this confined area. During the first phase of housetraining, you may also want to place paper towels underneath the tray and the surrounding area in case of an accident.

Next, you should catch a few drops of urine with a paper towel/pee pad and put that in the Wizdog potty. This way, your dog will know where he is supposed to eliminate in the house. Untill your dog is fully housebroken, there should always be a small urine-scented towel left in the tray.

At first you may have to take the grid off of the Wizdog. As soon as you dog has eliminated on the tray a couple of times, you can start using the grid as well. If your dog is afraid to step on the grid, patiently lure him on it step by step, with a toy or a treat, while the grid is lying flat on the ground.

If you see your dog sniffing or turning around nervously, immediately put him on the indoor potty and praise him exuberantly. Praising your dog during housetraining is extremely important. Punishment will slow down the housebreaking process, and your dog might even become so traumatised, he won't eliminate when you're in the same room. If he misses the potty a few times, don't get angry, just ignore the mess and clean it up when he's not paying attention.
The more you praise your dog, the harder he will try to get that kind of fun attention, the faster he will learn.

To start using the Wizdog indoor potty and get a free e-book go to

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